Upcoming Events
We list upcoming events of interest to our members at the top of this page. If you are looking for recordings or resources from past events, you can jump to our past event listings below.
Virtual Event

A free online event to empower participants to explore deep space networking through hands-on Raspberry Pi workshops, essential training, and tracks on technical and governance topics.

Ground System Architectures Workshop 2025
Amplifying User Effectiveness: Automation, Augmentation, and AI/ML
Tutorials: February 24, 2025; Location: Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel
General Session: February 25-27, 2025; Location: Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel
Classified Session: February 27, 2025; Location: The Aerospace Corporation
2024 IGF Workshop
Toward the Interplanetary Internet –the digital governance
Yosuke Kaneko, IPNSIG, Technical Community, WEOG
Vinton G. Cerf, Google, Private sector, WEOG
Samo Grasic, The Abdus Salam International Centre
for Theoretical Physics, Academia, Eastern Europe -
Mohamed-Slim Alouini, KAUST University, Academia,
Asia Pacific
Onsite Moderator
Roberto Gaetano, Civil Society, WEOG
Past IPNSIG Academy Events
December 4, 2024
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Dr. Alberto Montilla, Co-Founder and CEO of SPATIAM CORPORATION
Space Communications and Networking 101
The interplanetary internet is built on the foundations of space communications and networking. This presentation introduces space communications and networking in the context of the interplanetary internet. Starting with key issues that affect space communications, such as distance and celestial mechanics, this presentation establishes the basics for communications in space. We will also review the space protocol stacks and the Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) architecture and protocols. The presentation concludes with a summary of critical applications and use cases for the interplanetary internet on the Moon.
Moderator: Laura Chappell, IPNSIG Board Member

October 30, 2024
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Shuichi Ichimura, Strategy Lead of Space Business and Technology, Advanced Technology Tech-Strategy Division, KDDI CORPORATION
Lunar Communications for the Artemis Program
"High-Rate Communications Across The Lunar Surface" was listed within the top 5 of NASA ESDMD's Shortfall Ranking in 2024. Lunar communications require ground stations on Earth, comm relay satellites orbiting around the Moon, and lunar surface networks such as 5G technologies.
As a Japanese telecommunications service provider, KDDI has a long history of providing wired and wireless networks and satellite communication services. This keynote will cover how KDDI collaborates with space agencies and other companies to expand its capability to the Moon.
Moderator: Alberto Montilla, IPNSIG Board Member

August 11, 2024
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Dave Israel (NASA/GSFC),
Alan Hylton (NASA/GSFC) and Daniel Raible (NASA/GRC)
DTN over Lasercom Relay
NASA recently concluded a series of DTN experiments and demonstrations with the International Space Station over laser communications links through NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) payload in geosynchronous orbit. Demonstrations included file transfers and streaming video through multiple nodes, paths, and scenarios.
Dave Israel, Goddard’s Near Space Network Architect and LCRD Principal Investigator will update us on the lasercom demonstration and its relation to the future of the Near Space Network and LunaNet. He will be joined by Alan Hylton, PI for the LCRD DTN Experiments, and Daniel Raible, PI for the High-Rate DTN (HDTN) project.
Moderator: Keith Scott, IPNSIG Board Member

July 2, 2024
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Luis Maestro, Nokia
LTE/4G for Lunar Surface Communications
Benefits, challenges, and mission details about the first 4G/LTE network to be deployed on the lunar surface.
In late 2014, he joined Nokia Technology & Innovation, later Nokia Bell Labs, and has been leading different innovation programs in the areas of ultra-compact, rapidly deployable, and mission-critical wireless communications. Luis is currently the Principal Investigator for the NASA tipping point program, which aims to deploy the first 4G/LTE network on the lunar surface in late 2024.
Moderator: Dr. Alberto Montilla, CEO, SPATIUM CORP., IPNSIG Board Member

May 30, 2024
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Fangzheng Liu
Lunar Exploration: Low-cost movable and static wireless sensor nodes
A notable project within this framework is the development of the "AstroAnt," a miniature robot slated for deployment to the Lunar South Pole during the IM-2 mission in 2024-2025. The AstroAnt will work on the top panel of the MAPP-1 lunar rover, collecting thermal data from various positions to monitor the rover's thermal system performance.
Read Fangzheng's bio here.
Moderator: Mike Snell, IPNSIG Board Member

April 3, 2024
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Jacob Malthouse of the Open Lunar Foundation Chasing Peaceful Innovation: Exploring intersections between technical Internet and Lunar governance
The Open Lunar Foundation generates and invests in solutions that enable peaceful Lunar exploration. Jacob Malthouse will share Open Lunar’s planned projects for 2024 and potential alignments with IPNSIG’s vision for the expansion of the Internet into space. He is particularly interested in the evolutionary arc of Solar System Internet governance approaches presented in the latest IPNSIG AWG publication “Solar System Internet Architecture and Governance“.
Moderator: Scott Burleigh, IPNSIG Board Member and Co-author of multiple DTN RFCs

March 14, 2024
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Tomaso de Cola, Area Director, SIS, CCSDS
CCSDS Standardization Efforts
Get ready - this keynote is packed with incredible details on the CCSDS future mission drivers, observer agencies, structure and organization, organizational interrelationships, end-to-end architecture overview, CCSDS book colors, online resources, lunar communications architecture vision (to year 2030), candidate protocol architecture, CCSDS protocol stack, and more.
Moderator: Leigh Torgerson, Sr. R&D Engineer at Jet Propulsion Lab

November 1, 2023
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Andrew Sullivan
President and CEO of ISOC
Andrew Sullivan provides his feedback on the Solar System Internet Architecture and Governance report created by the IPNSIG Architecture and Governance Working Group (AWG). You can find the report here.
Moderator: Ginny Spicer, IPNSIG Architecture and Governance Group Member, Technical Documentation Working Group Member, Outreach Working Group Member

October 10, 2023
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Roberto Gaetano
EURALO, Individual Users Association
The Internet started as a small network connecting few research and development networks. The rules were simple and shared by everybody. Later, it evolved and started having commercial value. At that point, a governance model had to be established to ensure orderly development. Will the InterPlanetary Network follow a similar path? Are there any lessons that we can learn from the experience with the "traditional" Internet?

September 6, 2023
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Dr. Preston F. Marshall
Engineering Director and Principal Wireless Architect for Google
This talk discussed the role of the underlying IPN protocols (Delay Tolerant Networking, or DTN) and how this protocol has attractive features to a much wider range of applications. Advocating for the broader adoption of DTN would have the effect of bringing additional implementations, adoption, interoperability, and innovation to DTN, and thus to IPN. Making IPN one of the "edges" in broader DTN networks of networks can bridge the gap between planetary and interplanetary networks.

June 28, 2023
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Space - Unlocking the Future - A Conversation with the ITU Secretary General
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has been a key player in space communications since the beginning of the space era. ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin will join Vint Cerf for a fireside chat exploring space’s potential as a driver of sustainable development. They will discuss promising opportunities in the space economy, striving for “Space for All,” and balancing space-based benefits with risk management to ensure space sustainability. Bogdan-Martin will share insights from ITU’s extensive experience managing the international treaty governing global radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbit management.
Doreen Bogdan-Martin took office as Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on 1 January 2023.
Ms Bogdan-Martin has held leadership positions in the field of international telecommunications policy for over two decades, with a track-record of brokering innovative partnerships to expand digital inclusion and connectivity for everyone around the world. Following her historic election by ITU Member States in September 2022, she became the first woman ever to head the organization, which was first established in 1865 and became a UN specialized agency in 1947.
Doreen Bogdan-Martin (ITU Secretary General)
Vint Cerf (IGF Leadership Panel Chair, IPNSIG Board Member)

May 30, 2023
IPNSIG Academy Workshop:
Architecture and Governance of IPN
IPNSIG will be hosting a workshop to discuss architecture and governance of the Interplanetary Network.
As we look around the globe, we are witnessing a significant thrust in space exploration. We are on the cusp of an exciting re-entry into human and robotic space exploration and commercialization, and the deployment of an Interplanetary Network is the key to enabling such efforts.
Today, there are several initiatives, including the Government, Space Agencies, and the private sector that expand communication capabilities off the planet, to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Such capabilities will provide significant opportunities to explore, gain new knowledge, and expand more businesses in Space. They all bring benefits back to Earth.
As the venture of expanding the Interplanetary Network are remarkable steps for humanity, it is also the time to discuss how a "Common Interplanetary Network Infrastructure" could be realized, which entails the need for Governance - a management structure to support the operation of the infrastructure itself.
The Architecture and Governance Working Group (AWG) has tackled these important subjects by reflecting on the lessons learned from the Internet's evolution and from the remarkable insights provided by our past Academy speakers.
Yosuke Kaneko (IPNSIG President)
Vint Cerf (IGF Leadership Panel Chair, IPNSIG Board Member)
Marc Blanchet (IPNSIG AWG Member)
Jim Schier (NASA)

March 1, 2023
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Space Policy, Perspective on IPN Governance
(Dr. Scott Pace)
This presentation briefly covers primary governance issues, from numbering conventions and spectrum allocations, to time standards and domain definitions. The issues are broader than those covered by the Internet Engineering Task Force, and builders of the interplanetary internet will have to navigate among multiple organizations, including the United Nations, and Artemis Accord signatories. There are no fundamental barriers, but it is important to think about governance issues early so as to prioritize technical and political resources while avoiding delays and unnecessary frictions.
Dr. Pace currently serves as Director of the Space Policy Institute, Director of the Institute for International Science and Technology Policy and Director of the MA International Science and Technology Policy program at the George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs.
Dr. Vint Cerf, IPNSIG Board Member

February 1, 2023
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Interplanetary Internet Governance
(Laura DeNardis)
In this presentation, Dr. Laura DeNardis reflects on the emerging and entrenched Internet technologies and postulates on the next frontier - the Interplanetary Internet. Dr. DeNardis flushes out the question, "what anticipated governance functions and heliopolitical frameworks will be necessary to design, administer, and secure an interplanetary communication future that benefits all humankind?"
Dr. Laura DeNardis, Professor and Endowed Chair in Technology, Ethics, and Society, Georgetown University, and Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
James Schier, Chief Architect, NASA’s Space Communications and Navigation Program

January 4, 2023
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: CCSDS Standardization Efforts
(Keith Scott)
The presentation will include an overview of CCSDS focusing on the activities of the Space Internetworking Systems Delay Tolerant Networking working group, including profiling of IETF RFCs for use in space, as well as space-specific protocols in the DTN suite.
Keith Scott, Chief Architect, Advanced Networking for Assured Communications
Scott Burleigh, IPNSIG

December 7, 2022
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: IETF Standardization Efforts
(Edward J. Birrane)
Edward J. Birrane will provide an overview of Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) in the Internet Engineering Task Force processes.
This talk begins by discussing how the evolution of the terrestrial Internet benefits not just deep-space systems but also a variety of system closer to home. Then, a short overview of the IETF (in general) and the DTN working group (in particular) is provided. This includes discussion on how to stay up to date with the working group and how to contribute to this important work. Finally, this talk discusses other activities being discussed in the IETF, such as time-variant routing.
Edward J. Birrane, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
Scott Burleigh, IPNSIG

November 2, 2022
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: ESA Moonlight Overview
(David Gomez Otero)
David Gomez Otero will be presenting an overview of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Project Moonlight (telecommunication and navigation services on the moon).
David Gomez Otero, Technical Lead for ESA’s Moonlight/LCNS Phase A/B1 study, European Space Agency
Mike Snell, Secretary/Treasurer, IPNSIG

October 13, 2022
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Luna Net Overview
(Dave Israel)
Luna Net Overview
David Israel will provide an overview of the LunaNet architecture concepts with an emphasis on DTN’s role in the architecture and the challenges for deployment and operations.
David J. Israel, Exploration and Space Communications Projects Division Architect / Laser Communications Relay Demonstration Principal Investigator, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Scott Burleigh, IPNSIG

September 7, 2022
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: Enabling Space Exploration by Using AI to Improve Data Communication (Lara Suzuki)
Enabling Space Exploration by Using AI to Improve Data Communication
Traditionally, space data processing and exploitation occurs through ground systems when satellites are overhead to download the data. That takes time, which we may not have, particularly with constellations with hundreds of spacecraft data to process or which require the application of AI on vast amounts of data. This talk will discuss the application of AI to aid space exploration while increasing space link efficiency, utilization and robustness by enabling more reliable and efficient data transmissions resulting in more usable bandwidth.
Dr. Larissa (Lara) Suzuki, Technical Director, Office of the CTO, Google
Vint Cerf, Google / IPNSIG

August 17, 2022
IPNSIG Presents McKinsey & Company Overview of the Space Industry
​McKinsey and the World Economic Forum surveyed leaders from across the globe in order to gain an overview of the space sector today, the direction it is heading, and how stakeholders can influence the sector’s future so that it can continue to have a positive impact on society. We are in a critical window for ensuring space is a safe, sustainable, and accessible domain for all – but it requires quick and decisive action. In this webinar the authors will share findings from the work, and open the dialogue for discussion.
Brooke Stokes, Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company
Ryan Brukardt, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company
MODERATOR: Vint Cerf, Google / IPNSIG

August 3, 2022
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: SSI Architecture Study
(Scott Burleigh)
Scott Burleigh, co-author of versions 6 and 7 of the DTN Bundle Protocol and formerly a principal engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, talked about the architecture of the Solar System Internet (SSI).
Scott C. Burleigh, Vice Chair, IPNSIG
Mike Snell, Secretary/Treasurer, IPNSIG

July 13, 2022
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: DTN Projects Work
(Oscar Garcia)
Oscar Garcia, IPNSIG Board Member and Projects Working Group Lead will be talking about various Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) developments currently underway, including the International IPNSIG DTN Network, running applications and planned projects applying the Interplanetary Internet technologies.
Oscar Garcia, Projects Working Group Lead, IPNSIG
Alberto Montilla, co-founder, Spatiam Corporation / IPNSIG Board
Alberto Montilla Jr., co-founder, Spatiam Corporation
Facundo Novik, PWG DTN Network Support Manager, IPNSIG
John Cook – CTO – Adirondack IT Solutions
Michael Moore – Chief Engineer – Adirondack IT Solutions
Marianne Winfield, US Liaison, Digital Health Information Network, Inc
Ernesto Yattah, Reach Out Team, Digital Health Information Network, Inc
Jorge Amodio, Chief Technology Evangelist, LJCV Electronics
Scott Johnson, SolarNetOne.org
Dr. Scott Pace, Director, Space Policy Institute, GWU

June 1, 2022
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: DTN Overview
(Vinton G. Cerf)
​IPNSIG Board Member Dr. Vint Cerf will be talking about Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) and its use to facilitate communications within the Solar System Internet (SSI).
Dr. Vint Cerf, Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
Yosuke Kaneko, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) / IPNSIG Chair

May 18, 2022
IPNSIG Academy Keynote: 100+ Years Vision of a Solar System Internet (Yosuke Kaneko)
Yosuke Kaneko, the chair of IPNSIG will be talking about the future of the Solar System Internet (SSI) and IPNSIG’s vision/mission and the role of the newly-announced IPNSIG Academy.
Yosuke Kaneko, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Vint Cerf, Chief Internet Evangelist, Google

June 24, 2020
IPNSIG Communicating Over Extreme Distances
(Dr. Don Boroson)
IPNSIG Board Member Dr. Vint Cerf hosts Dr. Don Boroson from the MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Dr. Boroson answers Vint's burning question, "Can we possibly get a spacecraft to Alpha Centauri or Proxima Centauri and get any data back?"
Dr. Don Boroson, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Dr. Vint Cerf, Chief Internet Evangelist, Google

June 2023
EuroDIG (Presentations by President Kaneko and Other IPNSIG Members)
The Architecture and Governance Working Group (AWG) has tackled these important subjects by reflecting on the lessons learned from the Internet's evolution and from the remarkable insights provided by our past Academy speakers.
President Kaneko and other IPNSIG members from the AWG present their progress within AWG at EuroDIG 2023.

June 22, 2022
EuroDIG (Presentations by President Kaneko and Other IPNSIG Members)
Current expansion of space activities pushes the development of new communication technologies and standards, which allow for seamless communication in space.
The Delay Tolerant network architecture aims to merge and interconnect various underlying space and terrestrial communication technologies into the Inter-Planetary Internet. While this might give access to space infrastructure for new commercial and non-commercial stakeholders alike, it also challenges governance of terrestrial and space DTN infrastructure.