Strategy Working Group
Help shape our way forward toward a common Interplanetary Network

Our Mission
Our mission is to offer a strategic way forward to support the evolution and development of a common Interplanetary Network. We address the challenges, future evolution, key principles, and the actions to be undertaken to bring light to our endeavors ahead.

Key Members
Yosuke Kaneko [IPNSIG Chair, AWG Lead]
Vint Cerf [IPNSIG Founder]
Scott Burleigh [Formerly NASA/JPL]
Suzuki Kiyohisa [JAXA, CCSDS]
Maria Luque [Founder of Mission-Oriented]
This report, “Strategy toward a Solar System Internet for Humanity'', describes the IPNSIG’s assessment of strategic approaches to help us realize an SSI architecture. One that provides rich communication connectivity at interplanetary distances within our Solar System.
In this Report, after a brief introduction, the IPNSIG Strategy Working Group lays out its “Vision” and its approaches to assess a strategy to deliver a Solar System Internet in “The Strategy Working Group (SWG) approach”.